Friday, February 18, 2011

Beaver Tails

Icing dripping off of Thomas's snack
Coming to Quebec has reminded me that old recipes travel around.

Who would have thought that fried bread dough would get a new exotic name?

Beaver Tails.

Or that the product might be so desireable that someone would pay $5 for one.

The Brooks kids have enjoyed them for snacks after school.
My first one tastes good
Now the Jarvis kids are into the swing of Beaver Tails. 

Catherine wanted to know how to make bread dough, so she put her hands in the flour and water and by the time the kids got home from school, there was a pan of cinammon buns rising and Beaver Tails to fry.

My guess was that we would have 2 loaves of bread and a few Beaver Tails.

The fact was that all of the bread dough was fried up into Beaver Tails and we have no loaves of bread left over.

We are finding the the Beaver Tails tasteb est with Maple Icing.

Slaving with the icing
In Alberta I can't find Mapeline flavouring any more. 

The product is found everywhere in Quebec.

I am taking order and will bring some home if you need some in your flavouring cupboard for when Beaver Tails are on your snack menu.



  1. Visca Catalonya! says David. (Long live Catalonia). That is how David wanted to start his comment.

    When I saw the maple icing, I thought of Carnival. David tried his first taste of Maple Syrup at his elementary school called Bastion during Carnival on Crepes.

    We want the recipe for Maple Icing and would like one large flavoring jar for the cupboard at the Lake hoping to lure the Jarvis family out to BC this summer.

  2. There is a possibility that the Jarvis kids will be accompanying their dad and mother this summer when Eric goes back to do a paper in Europe. Perhaps you can lure him to Salmon Arm if you can find a conference he can present at. Anything going on in your town like that. The Roots and Blues Festival does not count.



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