Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Morning Plans

Dominos after breakfast
The over-reaching plan for the day is to get to the magic show at Carleton University – a magic show put on to show the magic of the elements of the earth.

Then the plan is to head to the National Gallery where there are tables set up and kids can do their own art, some of which is later displayed on the walls there.

The immediate plan this morning was just to have breakfast.

Xavier was fast. Breakfast was over for him and he had a chance to line up domionos so that they would slap each other down when he pushed the first one.

Rhiannon had her breakfast in front of her, but she was watching TV.
TV -- better than food

She was mesmerized by the show, which was asking her to tell colours and she could hardly wait to give the right answer.

She was so engrossed in her show that she didn’t care that I was down close taking pictures.

In fact, you can see her absolutely ignoring me, looking around me so that her eyes didn’t move off the TV where she was sure to hear another question, and then give another right answers.

Ah, sweet T.V.


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