Saturday, October 1, 2011

Learning new words

...illustrations by R. Crumb
A phone call to Rebecca made me privy to this information:

When asked how school was for the day, Duncan replied, "I learned a new word: arreverent."

"You mean irreverent," said his mom.

"No, arreverent," he insisted.

"Use it in a sentence for me," she said.

"Arreverent Sally spoke to us today in school."

"Oh," said Rebecca, "Reverend Sally.  What did she say."

"Well, she told us God is great and God is good.  So I had a question for her.  I asked, if he is go good, why did he kill all of the animals except two of every kind when he put them in the ark."

Reverend Sally replied, "Some people think that story is true.  But many people people it is a metaphor."

"Well, then," said Duncan, "what about all of the people he turned into a pillar of salt".

No one could have been more surprised than Rebecca, she says, that it was her kids in class who were questioning the arreverent.  She says, too bad she eventually had to take R. Crumb's The Book of Genesis: Illustrated back to the library. 

Apparently it was working for Duncan.


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