Monday, January 30, 2012

New Look For This Blog?

It's been a while since we first set up this blog.

Is there any appetite for changing the design, perhaps go to a three column design or add some additional elements?


  1. Hello Aaron Steele. I would like to have a way to get more text and less side bar. Rebecca took me to the design spot and was showing me that there is one template that could give us a little more horizontal space. Of course, I could write in a smaller font to get the same effect, but I like the bigger print. She also showed me some other templates, but I like the black writing on white background. So, I am pretty well happy, except for wishing for the power to get more words to a sentence.

  2. I went out to the Paladin In Citadel Blog to see what a three column blog would look like. I was tempted to read "Things you can't say ...." which took me to the comments -- an interesting dialogue. The three column blog seems to work there. Does anyone else prefer that look?



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