Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pitman Painters

Moiya wanted to see A Woman in Black, but on the way to get day seats for that show we stopped at Pitman Painters -- and the tickets were the right price for the matinee.

Still we had time for an evening show, and she could have seen A Woman in Black if she could wait to see if tickets were still available at 7 pm. But the ticket seller had convinced us in a former theatre, that The Master Class was a brilliant show and that she should see it if at all possible.
While we don't know our way around London that well, we can make it up and down Aldwych, over to Drury Lane and back to the Strand with quite a bit of speed.

I had appointments elsewhere for the day, so I could hardly wait until Moiya arrived home for her double show day.

Her recommendation?

Pitman Painters was good. (Please note the critics are calling it masterly.)

The Master Class -- also, an absolute must see.

So that is added to my list of things to do before I leave London ... or else I can put it on my list of things to do when I get back here.

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