Saturday, February 22, 2014

Departure from Calgary

Leaving Calgary Friday February 21. Bon Voyage.

Arta, Greg, Wyona
"Let's check this luggage and start our holiday at the Air Canada Lounge."

Note the extra large zip lock bag on Wyona's trolley. It is housing our pillows for the trip. That is not counted as one of our eight pieces of luggage. Marcia commented to Wyona that if she can afford a cruise, then she can pay fifty dollars for a taxi to the airport. Marcia also queried Wyona as to why she needed all that luggage. "Oh well", Marcia said, "It is none of my business". We are too exhausted right now to have fun. Tomorrow is another day.

There is a reciprocity fee to enter Argentina. All three of us knew to get this registered and pay the fee well before we left. We printed out a copy showing that we had paid the reciprocity fee. That is what we showed Air Canada in Calgary. It worked. Then in Toronto we took out the same piece of paper and the Air Canada Checker showed us that we did not have the right print out. We had to go to two other places in order to get these passes printed out. It was a relief to Wyona when she typed in what she thought might be the username and password to renter the Reciprocity web sight. Always use the same user name and password.

1 comment:

  1. Marcia, does this mean you missed the chance to drive them? I love that airport time, saying goodbye or greeting a loved one. It's time with many predictable routines, and yet the whole thing can fall into a series of unpredictable events in a heartbeat.

    Did you make it to the Air Canada Lounge? How did you know you would not get charged for pillows? Don't you hate being told you have the wrong printout?

    These are all rhetorical questions, I suppose, because the answer will surely be to all of them: "of course it went smoothly - look at who is travelling!"


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