Thursday, September 11, 2014

Happy 48th Anniversary

From Wyona: 
September 10, 2014

"May I have this dance?:
Photo taken at a Summer Birthday Party
We are nearly finished our 10 day voyage across the Atlantic. Today is our 48th anniversary. Greg is walking around the ship taking pictures, just in case he ever wants to look back.

Yesterday our cleaning lady never cleaned our room until evening. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that we never left our room until after 2 p.m. We do not seem to get to bed before 3 a.m. When we get back to the room at midnight, having just had pizza, cheesecake lollipops or wraps, we have to check out all the TV channels that do not work and work. Then we have to study the daily planner for the next day, decide what we want to do and then maybe do 10% of it. Time flies when doing nothing of importance on a ship.

"What went wrong in that step?:
Since we have diamond plus status, we have 3 chits for drinks loaded on each of our cards. We can only get them from 5:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. Arta knows the drill. We take a bag to the bar and get 6 diet coke and put them in our room fridge. I think the diet cokes are the reason we have a hard time sleeping at night.

Last night at 3:00 a.m. when I still was not asleep, I got up to play Candy Crush while Greg put on his swimming suit, new flip flops and t-shirt to go down to the promenade to check and see who was crazy enough to be up at that time. The promenade is televised on the TV so Greg got down to the promenade and waved to me on TV. He came back to the room an hour later with fresh bran muffins and other hot out of the oven baking goods. Then he went up to the pool deck coming back to the room at 7:00 a.m. He had a grand time talking to staff while he watched those getting up for morning coffee and others who still had on their formal wear, not having gone to bed yet. What a strange life we lead. Is he 72 or 27 years of age?

Greg did say he feels guilty having a room to ourselves not having to share with Arta or family. I feel just fine about it. Thinking of all of you and wishing you were here. I have not gone to watercolor painting or bridge lectures once. Neither have I been up to the Windjammer to eat, not even once. There 24 venues on this ship where one can eat, nine of them free plus breakfast and lunch in Chops Grill for Diamond Plus members. What will I do when we are truly Diamond Plus?

We did get our lost luggage before the ship pulled away from port. I was sick for two days with really bad stomach pains so I laid off food and had Greg buy me ginger ale to drink. I finally took gravol to help me sleep. I think I will quit taking my Vimovo, arthritis medication. Maybe then my stomach will feel better.

I have seen Hairspray all four times it has played on the ship. We also went to ‘Frozen in Time”, the skating show…it was amazing! Then we attended the diving/water show again, nothing but excellence. We are going to try to attend two more shows today. Silly because we will never stay awake for them.


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