Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Attack on Titan

There was a showing, a one-time showing of Attack on Titan at our local theatre.  This is a specialty Japanese (English sub-titled) horror film.  We saw parts I and II, one at 7 pm and the next at 9:15 pm.  I am used to doing 4 hours of film, since we do that often with opera or NT Live.  I was the only one there of my cohort and probably 2 or 3 generations younger.  Japanese horror films, ... not a big hit with the older generations.

The night before we had watched a new film, science fiction, Ex Machina (2015).  Again, this would not be a first pick for me, but what can you do when this is what the rest of the family wants to watch.

There was so much suspense, I had to get my computer, read some reviews and find some spoilers so I wouldn't have to sustain all of that fear.

Rebecca is staying up late tonight -- trying to get tickets for the new Harry Potter play that is being produced in London in the summer. This is more in line with the amount of suspense I can sustain.

Now I just have to figure out a way to join the group who want to see this in June 2016.  Going to London for a week of theatre or musical theatre does sound inviting.

On the other hand, there is some pretty amazing film work to be seen, either at home, or down at the local theatre.  I have asked to choose the next film here.  I am looking for comedy.


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