Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Hard to shop?

November 4, 2017

Today I took 2 ten year olds and a 17 year old to an Indian/Indonesia/Thai shop and told them they all had a $30 limit, each. I had found the shop when I was out for my walk this morning. Just 20 minutes from the house. Mostly everything was 1/3 or 1/2 off. One of the ten year olds, Hebe, couldn’t find anything she wanted to buy. She wanted to head off to Target.  My choice of shops was a complete bust for her.

 Catie, now17 years old, could only find one $5 necklace. Even upon forcing her, she could only find one small wire ring.

How can I imprint myself on people who don’t want to shop!!
Japanese Buddhist Singing Bowl Bell

At least they got to smell the incense and hear the ring from the musical bowl — you know the Buddhist one that will produce the ring with a metal tong circling its rim. Unfortunately it was $90. 

Just a bit outside of our single budgets. 

Plus I was the only person who wanted to buy it.

Shopping isn't always fun.


1 comment:

  1. Ah.... you articlulated a truth of my life: "shopping isn't always fun!" :-)


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