Saturday, December 2, 2017

An Arcade Party

an afternoon party -- volleyball at the church
gaming in the front room,
digging into cinnamon buns
find Meghan, Zoe, Rebecca, Brendan, Thomas
Eddie and Alex
Thomas and his dad were going to hit the arcade at 8 am.

Now that could have been fun.

But it didn't happen.

This house is full of night owls.  When I went to bed Thomas was up doing artificial intelligence work/games.  Catie was studying for an exam on Monday.  Rebecca was rejoicing for she had received her first wedding invitation which brought with it the worry of what to wear.  And their dad had papers and books on the table as well.

 ... who says multi-tasking doesn't work ...
Catherine had gone to sleep during scriptures so she was already in bed.  Not to make the point worse, but we were reading in Ether.

Catherine choose one verse to read herself, a shorter verse for Hebe and after that she didn't hear a word.  Out like a light.

At any rate, those who go to bed earlier, get up earlier, so the arcade event didn't work out, even though it would have been a lot of fun, in my mind.

... cinammon buns when they are hot ...
Thomas had some friends over for the afternoon -- one from his former high school. They began the day by playing volleyball. Then they moved home and set out a board game.  They ended their day by having cinnamon buns.  I don't like to have any left over the next day.  I told the boys that I was locking the doors and no one was allowed to leave until both pans of buns were gone.  They helped out as best they could.


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