Sunday, March 4, 2018

Bubble Gum - it can't be done by a four year old

The look on Alice's face on first discovering she could blow a bubble.
I told Alice that she could not blow a bubble until she was at least five years old.

I really told her this so that she wouldn't be so disappointment when she couldn't do it.

Her dad had given her all of the necessary technique.

Chew the wad until it is soft enough.

Flatten the gum out with your tongue.
Alice's First Bubble
... gently, gently, softly blowing ...

Make the gum even on the roof of your mouth.

 Then capture it between your teeth.

Softly blow.

She practised and practised and then this morning, Eureka!

The beginnings of her first bubble.

No one was more pleased than she.

The Bubble Gum Contest Chart
This lead to the possibility of us having a bubble gum contest:  one point for a bubble.

Two points for a bubble that cracks when it pops.

Three points if it is a double bubble and cracks.

We practised for a long time as our Bubble Gum Contest Chart Shows.

We learned to count off our points in groups of fives.

Everyone had to mark down their own points, for the bubbles were coming fast and furious.

The smooth look to my skin is not botox.
It is the overlay of a popped bubble.
The last part of "technique" involves getting gum off of my face when the gum is super soft and the bubble sticks to my skin.

I had forgotten how nasty that can be.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What was good about the contest?
    1. Everyone could mark down their own points. This was necessary for we were all so busy blowing the gum into bubbles that we didn't have time to count our successes.
    2. The prize was given out at the beginning of the contest: as many pieces of bubble gum as you wanted to put into your mouth.
    3. The three point system really seemed to work. What could be better than getting lots of points?

    WHAT DOESN'T WORK ABOUT THE CONTEST -- Now every time someone blows a bubble they hit my arm to get acknowledgement about the good job they have done. I give the acknowledgement freely but I receive a lot of taps to my arms lately.

  3. I deleted Rebecca's comment above. She had said "haha ha. This is an AWESOME contest". I didn't mean to do the delete. Just cleaning up things on the blog and I made a slip of the finger and suddenly the comment was gone.


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